DONATIONS: Make a chartibale donation to the foundation or in memory of a loved one in support the many ongoing foundation preservation and educational projects. Acknowledgement of the donation will be sent as requested. Please use increments of $10.
MALABAR GIVING TREE: You can create a permanent memorial by recognizing someone on the Malabar Giving Tree. Each leaf and stone is engraved as specified by the donor. Other recognition requests are accepted, based on the donation amount. All donations are accepted in any amount. Please contact us at the information below by email or write us with your donor level and engraving for the giving tree.
Donor Levels:
- Supporter-$250-$499- A Bronze Leaf on the Malabar Giving Tree
- Sustainer-$500-$999- A Silver Leaf on the Malabar Giving Tree
- Donor-$1,000-$2,499- A Gold Leaf on the Malabar Giving Tree
- Sponsor-$2,500-$4.999- A Small (3" x 5") Foundation Stone under tree
- Patron-$5,000-$9.999- A Medium (4" x 6.5") Foundation Stone under tree
- Benefactor-$10,000-$24,999- A Large (4.5" x 7.5") Foundation Stone under tree
- Partner-$25,000 and above- An Acorn on the Malabar Giving Tree
Malabar Farm Foundation, an independent private, non-profit, 501c(3) organization, continue to make education, development, and preservation projects possible. Since its founding the foundation has contributed over $2 million dollars to Malabar Farm State Park.
All contributions are tax-deductible, as provided by law.
Send an email at info@malabarfarm.org or mail us at the address below for in memoriam requests.
You may donate through our online store or mail directly to:
Malabar Farm Foundation
P.O. Box 551, Lucas, OH 44843